…and became partaker with them of the rich root of the olive tree

Grafted Branches


What are we to learn from the narratives in Genesis? A walking, talking snake. A tree that bears mysterious knowledge of Good and Evil. A mark upon Cain for all to see. The early narratives in the Book of Genesis are familiar to us from childhood, yet the meaning of these stories often seem maddeningly elusive. For example: By forbidding Adam and Eve to eat from the Tree of Knowledge, did God really not want mankind to be able to distinguish right from wrong? This book examines the early stories in the Book of Genesis, calling attention to the big questions that bother us all, as well as to the hidden subtleties of text and language. As clues and questions are pieced together, deeper layers of meaning begin to emerge. In the end, the reader gains an experience in the richness and depth of the Bible which allows us to better live it out.


Tools for the Toolbox:  

Is a Cookie Always a Cookie?

Context - Does it Really Matter?                                      By Drew & Deborah McKenna

If I said to you, "Here is a cookie." What did I mean by that? Am I offering

you a chewy homemade double chocolate chip cookie that I just baked? 

Am I speaking about my lawyer, who is "one tough cookie?" Or did I find a "cookie" in your computer browser collecting your personal data? Not 

knowing I am actually standing in my kitchen holding out to you a plate of 

freshly baked cookies, it could have been any of those.

The same is true with the wording in the Bible.  As Christians, we say we are "people of the book" and often pick out our favorite inspirational scriptures, promises, stories, and "sound bites" from the Bible. Frequently they are hung on the walls of our homes and underlined or highlighted in our Bibles. We say, "all scripture is inspired by God" and might even remember that this verse is from 2 Timothy 3:16, yet have no idea what came before and after this popular quote. We may never have given a second thought to the author's possible original intent and in doing so, may be misrepresenting what he had intended to say.

How then should we approach our study of the Bible and get to know His good news as intended? Simple!  Never forget "context is king!" Context is the circumstance that forms the setting for an event, statement, or idea in terms of which it can be fully understood. 

Context is king, and knowing it does more than change the meaning; it can change the world.

Context - Accurately Understanding Ancient Words

What is the first step in understanding that context rules? Realize that just like people, nations, cultures, and ideas change over time, so do the words representing these. Many words within a language change or evolve over time —usually to the point that the modern meaning is radically different from the original, causing confusion and misunderstanding, especially when reading an ancient document such as the Bible.

For example, most of us have sung the delightful Christmas carol God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen so many times throughout the years that we don't even stop to ask what those confusing lyrics actually mean. Yet, when we look at this old English carol dated to the 16th century, we find that the word "rest" doesn't mean to cease work or relax, but instead means…

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam tincidunt lorem enim, eget fringilla turpis congue vitae. Phasellus aliquam nisi ut lorem vestibulum eleifend. Nulla ut arcu non nisi congue venenatis vitae ut ante. Nam iaculis sem nec ultrices dapibus. Phasellus eu ultrices turpis. Vivamus non mollis lacus, non ullamcorper nisl. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Phasellus sit amet scelerisque ipsum. Morbi nulla dolor, adipiscing non convallis rhoncus, ornare sed risus.
Sed adipiscing eget nibh at convallis. Curabitur eu gravida mauris, sit amet dictum metus. Sed a elementum arcu. Proin consectetur eros vitae odio sagittis, vitae dignissim justo sollicitudin. Phasellus non varius lacus, aliquet feugiat mauris. Phasellus fringilla commodo sem vel pellentesque. Ut porttitor tincidunt risus a pharetra. Cras nec vestibulum massa. Mauris sagittis leo a libero convallis accumsan. Aenean ut mollis ipsum. Donec aliquam egestas convallis. Fusce dapibus, neque sed mattis consectetur, erat nibh vulputate sapien, ac accumsan arcu sem quis nibh. Etiam et mi sed mauris commodo tristique. Proin mollis elementum purus, a porta quam vehicula et.
Quisque ullamcorper, sapien ut egestas faucibus, tortor mauris tempor odio, sed pretium risus dui sit amet lectus. Sed ligula mi, tincidunt nec porttitor vel, aliquet sit amet libero. Nulla sagittis ultricies sem, non pretium augue bibendum vitae. Nunc luctus tristique urna eu tincidunt. Etiam ultricies neque ante, ut placerat dolor iaculis dapibus. Curabitur luctus orci et gravida laoreet. Sed ultrices id nulla id mollis. Donec tempor dapibus sem, a convallis felis elementum sed. Aenean nisi tortor, dictum ac massa non, rhoncus sagittis leo. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Proin id justo sit amet mi euismod lobortis. Morbi at mauris condimentum, vestibulum risus eu, laoreet elit. Aenean posuere risus vel hendrerit dignissim. In leo tellus, feugiat sit amet purus laoreet, consequat tincidunt orci. Integer sit amet justo in mi rhoncus commodo. Duis sagittis augue nisi, in fringilla tortor iaculis id.
Aenean luctus sodales tempus. Sed tincidunt nisl in nisl congue, at facilisis lorem posuere. Donec id erat vel lectus volutpat pellentesque a quis magna. Praesent bibendum orci in lobortis porta. Suspendisse eget odio a ligula ornare mollis. Maecenas eleifend urna ac feugiat posuere. Donec turpis ipsum, rhoncus eu laoreet eu, viverra tristique urna. Aliquam euismod velit mi, et pharetra libero gravida vitae. Praesent ligula lorem, hendrerit ut laoreet a, porta ut diam. Cras tellus lacus, mattis quis

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Grafted Branches

10940 S. Parker Rd. Unit 743   Parker,Colorado   80134